If I Weren’t His Son

This was left in class one day as I was getting ready to go. I student-teach at the middle school for 5th and 6th graders. I’m glad to know that even in the Bible Belt South love of any gender can exist. I’m going to keep it.

Worm-nosed Snail-eaters

I found this note folded and sealed with tape on the stairs at school. The halls were empty, so I think it must have been dropped before she received it. Since I’m a worm-nosed snail-eater I opened it.

Just Practice on Me Instead

This note was found the other day while I was cleaning/reorganizing my desk at work. I moved my phone away from the cubicle wall, and this was behind it. It’s almost as if someone dropped it over the wall one day. I’m still trying to figure out whose these two are. It was folded up … Continued

Here’s the Deal-e-o

I found this on the floor in the grocery store I work at on Valentine’s day.

Read My Poems

As a high school teacher, I often find interesting things. I have the habit of picking up crumpled balls of notebook paper and unwrapping them to see what’s inside, before tossing them in the trash bin. Sometimes it’s trash, sometimes treasure. No one at school knows I am a found hound; otherwise I would suspect … Continued

No Love

Found this in the parking lot.

You Stupied Trick

I found this near the I-20 overpass in the Grant Park neighborhood while I was walking to the train station to go to work. There is a middle school nearby.

A Bad Kisser

I was substituting a fifth grade class and found this when I was cleaning up at the end of the day. It blew me away to think this kid was probably only 11 years old and he’s already been branded a bad kisser! Maybe we need to spend more time on SPELLING with Joey!