
From the magic newspaper box at 27th and Broadway. It looks like there’s supposed to be a photo of one of the angel dust dealer (didn’t angel dust disappear by the end of the 70s?) but, alas, we’ll never know who to look for. Sadly, the East Bay Express box has only had newspapers in … Continued

Hello Sunshine

A few years ago I had just moved into an apartment. One day I came home to find this on my front door – no idea who it’s from or what it means. The creepiest part is that whomever it was had apparently hung around for a while before posting it. That, and the strange … Continued

Canned Clams + Meth

I used to work at a coffee shop frequented by an inordinate amount of methamphetamine-addicts. A pair of such unsavory types one day came in with an opened can of (I kid you not) clams, and began offering them to the shop’s patrons. These guys even made a little sign reading “Free Try Me Fresh” … Continued