My Best Friend is NOT Mommy

I found this on the lawn of a house on my walk to work. Best I can tell, it was written on the back of one of those lids that protects a store-bought lasagna. (The other side is metallic.)

“Dress-Up” Coupon

“This coupon is good for a one time use. I have to dress up in whatever outfit you choose and wear it an entire day/night.”

“By Laws”

Found this laminated note on the street outside my apartment…

A Plea for Understanding

This find came from a used book I purchased from Blue Cloud Books on Amazon. The paperback copy of “An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness” by Kay Redfield Jamison arrived in the mail and I started flipping through the pages. On the inside cover I discovered a personal inscription someone had written … Continued

Endless Love

I bought Nicholas Sparks’ A Walk to Remember at my local library’s bookstore. A beautiful but tragic love story. Inside I found a real love letter written on the first page. After reading it I couldn’t help but wonder what happened to them and why anyone would misplace such a beautiful letter.

Keep Holding

A love note found between the pages of an old paperback book of ancient Chinese poetry bought at a charity shop.

Divorce Papers

The papers ask the judge to forego the divorce request because of idiocy and love.

You Are a Truly Remarkable Woman

I found this note written on a bank change-slip placed in a double envelope when I was renovating my house.


I found this in a study cubicle on campus. I wonder what they are going to name their baby!?