Fish Girl

My friends found this at a party we were at. It was on the ground in the alley where the party was taking place, and I was so excited I grabbed it from them so I could send it in. On the other side is written “Fish Girl” in odd curly handwriting with hearts for … Continued

Scientific Method

I found this study note card on the lawn of John Marshall High School.

When You Left

This still had a piece of tape stuck to it when I found it.

Camera Obscura

Walking out of my apartment, around the corner from the LA Community College, I found this dirtied folded piece of paper. Being across the street from a college, there is always paper flying everywhere. My neighbors and I have put a garbage can on the corner to try and encourage students not to litter on … Continued

Get Me Some Hot Ass Food

I found this at a park in Ventura. The spelling made me sad, but I have to admit that I have eaten at Old Country Buffet and, like Derrick, I found the experience to be extremely underwhelming.

Roommate Problems

This was in a dorm at UCLA and I can’t decide if I feel worse for Rachel or her roommate (who has a snoring boyfriend AND a bitchy roommate).

A Less Difficult World

Found this note on the title page of a secondhand copy of a book of Adrienne Rich poetry. I like to think Doris gave Sam the book early on in their courtship, and I hope things worked out for them!

Cards Hallmark Should Make

Stepped outside my apartment to have a cigarette and found this paper tucked into the top of my neighbor’s bush.

Wisk You Away

I found this note on the ground at my local dog park in Highland Park. I went to pick it up and throw it away when I noticed what it was. The only people that go to this park are ones with dogs, so I hope that their dogs like each other too! Although I … Continued