My Day

I was leaving 5th period and found this on the ground. I immediately thought of this site and decided to send it in. We all have bad days, but the fact that they decided to write them down made me laugh a lot.

I Hate Art

This is from a tiny diary I found in my backyard.

Get a Frickin’ Job

Found lying in a sad puddle at a gloomy East London bus stop.. hopefully before Dad was given this not so subtle birthday message…

Blue Things for Hope

This floated into our front yard one afternoon. I think it came from the big house across the street with lots of kids.

Cockney Christmas Wishes

This blew into my feet on Walton Street in Oxford, England, in mid-June, which is an odd time of year to see a wayward letter to Santa. What I like about it is I can only make out half of what this kid has written, because I’m an American Midwesterner and this is proper colloquial … Continued

Puffy Samples

Note found on the escalator in the Phoenix Airport.

Alyssa’s Journal

While at a conference for work, a group of other attendees wanted to go to this thrift store. I was the only one to find something.

Little Miss Popular Pants

I found this on the sidewalk outside our realtor’s office. One would have to wonder what would cause someone to write this down on a 3×5 card.

OK, Write Again

My girlfriend and I found this at a campground between BFE and Ojai, California.

There Was A Hole

I teach elementary kids, and I found this left in a desk one day after reading The Pit and The Pendulum to the class.