Underestimated Boyfriend

I found this in a grocery store shopping cart. It is on the back of a torn piece of notebook cover.

Here’s the Deal-e-o

I found this on the floor in the grocery store I work at on Valentine’s day.

No Love

Found this in the parking lot.

A Bad Kisser

I was substituting a fifth grade class and found this when I was cleaning up at the end of the day. It blew me away to think this kid was probably only 11 years old and he’s already been branded a bad kisser! Maybe we need to spend more time on SPELLING with Joey!

Continued Thursday

I found this in Best Buy. At first I thought it was written by a middle schooler but was later informed it is in fact by a high school student. Interesting… I mainly enjoy the fact that it had to be continued!

I Took My Meds

I found this little list on the sidewalk while walking my dog. There are both Catholic and public elementary schools nearby, but perhaps this fell from a middle schooler’s backpack as she departed the bus? I hope she remembered that fourth important item!

I Wanna

I found this at my library. Somebody had forgotten his diary. It manages to be both hilarious and incredibly poetic at the same time.


I have found that the more interesting finds I come across on my lunch hour are near a neighborhood school. Personally, I think Delorian could do better. Maybe someone who knows how to spell “model.”