Who Told You I Was a Bedbug?

I found this in my NY Public Library Book. The book was the Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook – which might make it more creepy. I thought one of my coworkers had drawn it and stuck it in the book because we have conversations about how scary bedbugs are sometimes.

Phonetic Swearing

I found this while helping inventory books in a school library at the end of the school year.


I found this cute little note in the basement right after we moved into our new house.

I Hate You Very Much

I found this card on the steps of a church in down town Eugene, ironically a couple days after I broke up with my then-girlfriend.


My old roommate found this in a parking lot not too far from a school. The face looks like a girl to me, so I imagine it’s just some random kid who got into your normal chick fight with her best “frined.”

Ex Best Friend

I found this on the ground outside of my old elementary school. Girls will be girls.

A Kid Raising Kids

I found this note written on an envelope on the floor in my local post office. What I find interesting is the envelope has no address written on it. I wonder if it had ever got to the intended recipient or if it was just tossed. I feel bad for whoever wrote it.

Death Wish

Found when walking home from my high school.