
Found between the pages of a book of choral music. I can’t say that the page it was marking (a madrigal called “Adieu Sweet Amarillis”) looked especially cheerful, but then, I don’t read music.

Blue vs. Black

Found in the hallway of high school. Somebody’s in love! I like the occasional <3 in there.

Prayerful and Patriotic Homage to Barack Obama

I found this on a bench while waiting for the Lexington Ave. subway. It’s so carefully crafted and the sentiment rings so true, that I had to pick it up. Oddly, it’s drawn on the back of a truck driver’s pay stub, which I think somehow adds to the authentic feel of it. My girlfriend … Continued


I found this coffee filter in the street outside my neighbor’s house. It caught my attention because of the bright pink letters spelling “Hooba-shlaka.” I have no idea what it means.

Equals Life

As a teacher, I often find interesting scraps lying around. But this one, in a recycling bin, was a treasure. Someone edited it for Arielle, changing “Creek” to “Creak.” Ha ha.

Dog Luve Cat

Found at the supermarket where I work, drawn on the back of a primary school’s headed paper. For a time I couldn’t decide whether the brown was a dog or one of those dreadlocked sheep, y’know?


I found this in a DVD case I bought at a Spec’s one day.

Mmm, Unicorn

I volunteer at a food co-op in the North End. A few months back, when I was opening up, I found this pushed through the mailslot. It’s written on the back of a marker package. I posted it on the bulletin board, inconspicuously, until it fell down and I took it home. Now it lives … Continued

$120,000 Crush

I found this on the floor of a building at Stanford University while I was there for a debate tournament in February. I have no idea of any possible back-story, but it was addressed to ‘Michelle’. I’m actually a little worried that Michelle never got the note and someone just spent $120,000 in vain. Best … Continued