Glasses ‘n’ Classes

Found in yearbook cast-offs. Date on the board and the vampire teeth means it was a Halloween party.

Halloween ’79

I found this in a house I bought. The back says “Halloween 1979 Stephen F Austin State University dorm 13 friends.”

Halloween ’96

I am intrigued by both the girl on the right’s lack of enthusiasm and the fact that the house number is 12345.

Halloween 1952

We found this pic of an “indigenous” couple in the wall of a closet we were tearing apart while renovating. The glass blocks give the locale away as the corner of our kitchen and the date of printing on the back of the photo marks it at Nov 19, 1952.

Halloween Relic

I found these set of photos in an envelope in a little op shop where I used to volunteer. When I opened the packet I felt like I was sneaking glances at someones misplaced memories. Did they know they’d thrown them out? Was it a relative who chucked them when cleaning out the deceased house? … Continued


I found a bunch of negatives in a pile on the street.

Batgirl and Friends

I found this in a copy of Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters and Seymour an Introduction by J.D. Salinger.

Teenage Mullet Ninja Turtles

We found this were an old shed had been torn down. The shed was very old, so we think bugs had eaten the sides of the photo

Kill the Cat

I found this at a park in Hillsdale. Apparently they don’t like their cat.

Drugstore Zombie

I work in a used bookstore. I found this in a copy of “The Birth of Tragedy and The Genealogy of Morals” by Friedrich Nietzsche.