Pulling for Me

I found this card inside a paperback copy of “The Thorn Birds” by Colleen McCullough that I purchased in a thrift store. These are the two inside pages.


I found this Tiffany gift card on a sidewalk outside a strip club.

Bad Daddy

I have a huge collection of children’s books. I’m always on the hunt! I found this one at a Value World. It is the saddest book inscription I have ever seen.


Too scratched to play, but I imagine this CD holds some of pop radio’s finest. Looks like it was a gift, but maybe tossed out of a car window?

The Journey

I bought a Paul Auster novel from a used book store in England and found this message written inside. I would love to know what “journey” the message is referring to, and whether the book was lost or given away. If it was given away, does that mean the journey turned out to be one … Continued