Rock On

I was cleaning up the counter in the kitchen and found this. We have no idea who made it, but it made cleaning a lot more fun.

Marked Urgent

This While You Were Out message was found in a Seattle library book titled Anybody Can Do Anything by Betty MacDonald in October, 2011.

Bachelorette Party

This gem was left on the copier of a local FedEx/Kinko’s. It appears as if some last minute changes had to be made to the list of word scrambles. I bet Grandma had a great time at the bachelorette party!

Paddle Thumbs

I found this a couple of years ago in my high school Chemistry class folded up and shoved under the leg of a wobbly table. A nice place for the paddle thumbs to hide.

Love Hangman

Found this in a novelty restaurant, the kind where you order using a phone. At our booth was a small notebook, I imagine to write your order down before “calling.” Most of the pages were scrawled down choices from the menu, but on one page, was this. So simple and yet it raised so many … Continued

Blog Ideas

I suppose it’s the quality of the writing that will determine whether or not this turns out to be the most boring blog ever.