
This was folded, taped and addressed to Matthew. We think it might be from a church camp gathering. I love the choice of note paper.

It Was a Good Day

I found this in the hallways of my high school two years ago.

Surfin’ Goat

Found taped to a door in my apartment complex.

Oh, Hell No!

Found crumpled outside of a school just floating in the wind.

Snake Surprise

My friend Rachel found this several years ago at our former school and showed it to me back then. A few days ago I remembered it and asked her if she still had it.

Dylan is the best!

I found a packet of these, all drawn on index cards and clipped together, in the CVS dumpster. I don’t know if Dylan put them there or whether his mom drew them and then had second thoughts about giving them to Dylan. They’re really sweet!

Mommy, Wife, Life Partner

Found in the back of a Tri-Met city bus. I can’t help but wonder if it was left by the recipient, or if the sender lost it before he had a chance to even give it to her.

My Notice

I work in the library on campus, and found this when browsing through some of the files on the computer while bored. Rock on, AM.