Modern Lovers

Found this in a dumpster by my house. I really like Theron’s use of metaphor, and I’m curious as to what he means by “hospital”.


FOUND on the floor of the Seattle Art Museum during their opening weekend of Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirrors. It seems to be a (high school) friend’s birthday note.

A Plea for Understanding

This find came from a used book I purchased from Blue Cloud Books on Amazon. The paperback copy of “An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness” by Kay Redfield Jamison arrived in the mail and I started flipping through the pages. On the inside cover I discovered a personal inscription someone had written … Continued

Bertha and Mom

Found this old school small square black and white photo of “Bertha and Mom” (so it states on the back) while walking to work the other day at the corner of S. Charles St. and Ostend St. in Federal Hill, Baltimore. It was in the gutter and had been driven over numerous times, but when … Continued

Ex Oh Ex Oh

I was taking a break from my run this morning at a shady picnic table in the park. As I leaned over to catch my breathe, I noticed a torn photograph scattered in the grass. I put the pieces together and discovered that someone probably had their heart broken recently.

Friends at 14,000 Ft.

Last June my husband and I drove to Colorado from Virginia for our anniversary. We drove up Pike’s Peak one day, and at the top of the mountain I noticed this picture blowing around on the ground beside the viewing area. It was very windy, snowy and icy, and I was lucky to catch it … Continued

The Runaways

I found this at the bottom of our front steps this morning. I was leaving for work.

With A Little Help From My Friends

I found this photo tucked away in an old paperback copy of Dune at the Value Village thrift store. I’m almost positive it was placed at a random page as opposed to being used as a bookmark. The book cost .69¢ but the photo is priceless. There are three names with tally marks underneath them … Continued