Asshole Parker

I found this note in a Target parking lot in St. Louis one afternoon. It was laying on the ground between two cars, none of which were mine. I’m still trying to figure out if the writer of the note meant to call the bad parker an asshole twice or just forgot to put the … Continued

Bammanas, Nilk, Weed

I found this in a shopping cart in the parking lot of the local Food 4 Less. Thought it was odd that it was typed. Wonder if they were under the influence of the bammanas when they typed it?

Prayers in Heaven

I have had this on my fridge for so long, I don’t remember where I found it. Oh! Parking lot behind a convenience store.

Loony Left

Found near my car in a Staples parking lot. Do you think it was my “Worst President Ever” bumper sticker?

Nude Girl Painting $450

Found the list in my apartment’s parking lot. I’m not sure exactly what this is. An inventory of stolen/missing items, I guess? I really like the mix of personal, artwork, and random items included. And that while the sewing machine is underlined twice, the methadone is not.

Yellow Dress

Found in a parking lot. Thought you might like.

The Rainbow Warriors

My friend and I found this on a car in the parking lot of a Rainbow grocery store.

Love, Margo

Found on the ground in a Costco parking lot.

Heart Receipt

I work valet at the U of M hospital. I found this in the parking lot of the emergency room. I’m pretty sure it came from an ambulance. Haven’t seen one before or since.

The Workplace

I found this on the ground of a Subway parking lot last month.