I Love Nutz & Butz

Some co-workers found this in the middle of a legal pad at work, but I’m the only one who thought it was worth saving. It cracks me up every time I read it.

He Has the Contacts

We’ve had this posted up in our office for several years now, and only discovered your website recently. I found it on the pavement just up the street from my house while walking to my car. It wasn’t attached to anything, so maybe the culprit got away with his intended burglary. We wonder how he’s … Continued

Brave Kid

I work in a physiotherapy clinic and found this in the kids’ corner. It broke my heart.

Not a Pink Person

I work at a University store where we sell techy-kinda gadgets and such. A big part of our inventory is pens and pencils and we have testing pads all over the place. When I replace these pads, I often find people have tested the pens with more than just scribbles.

No Matter What You Say

I work at a coffee shop on a college campus, and this was in the drawer of the cash register. Theories are running wild among my friends about the circumstances behind it. Whether Nena is devoted or just plain creepy… it’s a toss-up.

Happy Holidays

I found this during lunch at work on the break room table. I think it fell out of a co-workers lunch bag.


I work in a photocopy place and the other day I stumbled across this box of forgotten photos and papers. I had no idea they had sweatshops for making Christmas tree balls. I love her dress, and how they’re drying the balls on long sticks, it really intrigues me.

Need to Straighten Out

I found this while cleaning an office cubicle I was using as a temp. I find it haunting and beautiful.

To Get Mysteriously Ill

I found this note at my work. The janitors seem to be planning the weekend.

Happy Monkey

I was wiping down tables at the coffee shop and found this note on the window ledge nearby. There are a number of couples and blind dates that meet at our shop. I guess romance is not dead, just left behind sometimes.