Attack at Random

These were posted all over my neighborhood in the North Loop area in 2006. I never saw the badger.

Lost Semi-Telepathic Cat

This poster appeared on a pole outside my house one night. There were no others like it in the neighborhood, or posted at any stores nearby. I can’t imagine how someone lost a cat pulling a wagon with balloons.

Pick Up The Poo!

I found this stuck to a wall outside a fancy apartment block. Obviously somebody got sick of their neighbours dog pooping in the street! I love the colours and the scroll effect behind the text.

Beard Month

I was walking to lunch in a back alley behind my office, between Pender & Dunsmuir streets, and saw this tacked to a telephone pole in the middle of the alley. It was basically right in the middle of a low-foot-traffic area, where very few people would ever see it. So I don’t know who … Continued

If Not Claimed, Will Bury

I found this while walking my tiny dog. I waited a few days to ensure the viewing window had closed and snagged it. It was slid into one of those plastic sheet protectors for three ring binders and nailed to a telephone pole.

Stinking Dogs

I found this posted on a laundromat’s bulletin board.

Change Your Seating Habits

When I saw the find from March 14, 2009, I was reminded of this. A sign next to it, written in the same style, said, “If you sit and use our bathroom ~ Please spray freshener, open window, and shut the door. Thank you.” There’s a deli in the market where delicious sandwiches are served, … Continued


Saw this on a lamp-post whilst walking home.

House/Dorm Room Company

I can’t figure out if it’s serious or not, and I can’t figure out who is supposed to pay whom for the “talk, cuddle and emotion” listed at the bottom. If you can’t read it, the bottom says: “One month – $200 One month with talk, cuddle and emotions – $300 One month with talk, … Continued