
I have found that the more interesting finds I come across on my lunch hour are near a neighborhood school. Personally, I think Delorian could do better. Maybe someone who knows how to spell “model.”


I found this near Highway 99 last week. Did Padraic’s clever trick land him a girlfriend? We’ll never know.

Because I’m Illegal

It seems even the trash cans are neater on the Upper East Side. I found this stack of torn pages from a teenage diary placed delicately on top, no rooting required. This prep school girl partied a lot more than I ever did in high school, and her diary reads like the portrait of the … Continued

Let Me Tell You

During a volunteer cleanup of Los Feliz, not too far from Skylight Books, I came across this note near the track of the local high school. While I greatly enjoy his playah-pleas that he’s just an “innocent little boi,” who’s “not even asking for a mack,” what capped it for me was when I unfolded … Continued

Star-crossed Lovers

So I found this at the park where my oldest son has soccer practice. Walked by it once but couldn’t resist picking it up on my return trip to our vehicle. And now I’m glad I did.