My Life in London

One of my recent finds, this time from the streets of Soho. A very sweet and innocent perspective of London and her life there.

Students are the Best Target

I found this facing up, on top of a recycle bin in the PSU library. The CAPS LOCK and the slowly diminishing formatting are what really draw the line between a Speech Com assignment gone horribly wrong and a paranoid rant.

The Many Benefits of Rap

I was picking up my printouts at the computer lab at IUPUI when I stumbled upon this. There was only one page and I’d love to read the rest of this masterpiece. I am particularly fond of the random numbers and statistics that aren’t referenced in any way. My favorite sentence? “Ludacris also helps a … Continued

Rock and Roll Explained

Grabbing a shopping cart at my local New Seasons grocery store, I found this lying in the basket. Looks like someone’s notes for an essay on the Rolling Stones. I never thought of Mick as the rock and Keith as the roll, so, even without reading that essay, I’ve caught a new idea from this … Continued

Paper Can’t Win

This was an interesting piece of paper someone in my math class found lying on the floor in the hallway. I kind of see his point. What IS it about paper, anyway?


Found crumpled on the floor of the #75 bus.

Gay Rights

This was found on a college campus outside my dorm. I can only hope that they lost this card after their presentation, as it looks like an opening statement.

Cheating on Diarrhea

I found this report in scraps at my local library. The entire paper was there and very clearly tells the story that cheating is bad.

Look it Up

Found this in the library where I work, sitting by itself on a table.