Come Out

Found on the side of the road, apparently never making its way to the intended recipient. Hope he’s hanging in there.

Good News in Newark

Found in a puddle outside my workplace near a day-care center. Glad to know some “Good News” is going down in the city!


Found this while browsing at a used book fair. Wish I could remember the name of the book it was hiding inside, but I didn’t want to buy the book, so I put it back, but kept the note (score!). It’s a sweet note from a mom to her kid, a sort of pep talk … Continued

Papa’s Got a Brand New Job

I found this on the ground outside the Ballard Library. I think Papa has a hard time keeping a job and a good attitude. I wonder why someone calling herself mama has handwriting like a junior high kid?

Great Job Reading

I found this piece on the sidewalk about a quarter-mile from my daughter’s elementary school.

Keep Up The Good Work, Dre

Found in a pile of beer bottles and trash alongside the railroad tracks. I hope the beer bottles and trash were part of Dre’s old life, and not his way of adjusting to his new life.

Just Because

We were in the area for the day and found this on the curb while walking under a highway overpass.

Have a Great Show!

I found this on my way home from class the other day. I thought it was adorable.