Painting of George

Found in the back of an old night stand I picked up at a thrift store. The back of the photo simply reads “George.”

It’s Not on Any Calendar

This was found behind a cabinet while cleaning. Written by my grandmother? No idea when or what holiday had her confused.

Social Club Apology

My friend was living with his grandmother at this adult retirement community. He came home one evening to find this note in the door. What on earth happened at that Social Club meeting?

Please Help

I found this letter in an antique desk I bought at a thrift store a year and a half ago. I am guessing the author is an elderly woman who has lost her independence and freedom and is upset about it. I hope she’s alive and well, but I suspect that her belongings were donated … Continued

Ralph’s Note

I had been playing my music (which can get pretty odd at times) one night in my apartment. The next day, I woke up to a lot of sounds outside my door. I opened my door to see paramedics taking away my neighbor. He had died, apparently during the night.