Kan’t Talk

Poor kid. I figured there was some ugly divorce and as usual the kids get the crappy end of the stick.

Late Birthday Present

I found this on the Tube. An absent father mails his daughter some jeans with peanut butter and this accompanying letter, I assume.

The Test of Love

I’m pretty sure this is why my boss is no longer married.

Reading List

Our local library issues printed receipts for checked-out books, complete with due dates.

I Made Chili and Made Too Much

I found this Post-It note on the ground while pumping gas. I think her chili was probably Ron’s favorite food, and she made it just for him. I imagined her writing this note with tears in her eyes, carefully taping it onto a Tupperware bowl full of warm chili and leaving it on the counter … Continued

Not Quite Divorced Yet

Found this interesting note in a parking lot outside of an Indian restaurant. Was it discarded with no follow-up? Or, had Jill and Karen gotten together that very evening at the Indian restaurant? What not-quite-divorced-yet plans might have been set between these two?