
I found this in a rental car at the airport when I was on vacation in the Carolinas.

Dire Emergency

I found this posted on a community bulletin board in Bolinas, a small hippie town north of San Francisco. And, in case you’re wondering, no, I did not go look for Gary behind the building.

Please Don’t Hate Me

Found this in puddle beside my car in the parking lot at East Tennessee State University while leaving campus on a rainy afternoon in October.

Dude Man

I found this at the Sundance Natural Foods bulletin board.

Don’t Leave

I am the landlord of an apartment building, and on one of my move-out days late this summer, I found this index card note stuck in the drawer of a desk someone was throwing away. Of course I was irritated by a tenant dumping their furniture in a place it wasn’t allowed, but more curious … Continued


I found this on the street near where I live. I admire Sarah’s initiative and I hope she is doing well.

Dmitri, Heartbreaker

I found this folded up near a rope swing in my home town. Maybe Dmitri had it delivered to him and was so indifferent to the girl that he just dropped it, or maybe the girl had it fall out of her pocket/purse accidently and it never made it to Dmitri. She sounds desperate to … Continued

Lost Love

Found lying on the sidewalk. It had been duct-taped to a pole like many others in the neighborhood. I don’t know if he ever found love again. So it goes.

I Want Us to Last Forever

I found this on a busy urban road, lying face-down on the sidewalk in front of an apartment complex.