Forget the Army

I just found this in a forgotten packing box in my own garage, and have no idea how it got there.

I Want a Dog!

I found this when I moved houses and thought it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

Future Miss America

I was working a shift at Bath & Body Works the week before Christmas when I found this folded up on one of the shelves while cleaning up. I hope the maker of this list received at least one of these things for Christmas.

What I Want in a Guy

There are six pages with writing in this spiral notebook (with the cover “Orient’e – Authentic Oriental, Made in Japan”), none of which look like they were done by the same person. Following a first page that simply says, “Mike’s Phylosiphy”, and several blank pages interspersed with a crossed out grocery list and a page … Continued

What I Want Most

This was found by the media specialist in the high school where I teach. I’m not sure if it was for an assignment or just the random thoughts of teenager.

It Is Highly Decorous

I found this on a table in a coffee shop. There were two unused napkins sitting on the table. When I moved them, I noticed this note written on the bottom napkin. I had to look up the definition of “decorous.”

Equals Life

As a teacher, I often find interesting scraps lying around. But this one, in a recycling bin, was a treasure. Someone edited it for Arielle, changing “Creek” to “Creak.” Ha ha.

The Christmas List

You know we are in a recession when the top of the Christmas list is only a “small” revolver. Found this handwritten Christmas wish list as a bookmark in the middle of a book.