12 years later, is love still enough?

My friend bought me this journal from a goodwill for my birthday. This beautiful and revealing letter was on the first page, while every other page was left blank. Thought I needed to share.

Romantic Evening, Indeed

I found this while working at an upscale hotel. Housekeeping had recovered it from a room and left it in the back office. More than halfway through an otherwise empty composition notebook awaited this gem. Our Casanova’s intentions are well-meaning, but really man, you’re going to spend more on your bathrobe than on the lucky … Continued

Valentine’s Day Poem

Found this sweet Valentine’s Day card at the Orlando Fringe Festival 2008

Cub and Bear: A Love Story

This letter was inside a UPS box shipped to my apartment by my brother. He has no idea how it got in the box, but maybe it was stuck to some bubble wrap that was also in the box? I really hope the author is a fan of Found and sees it! I would feel … Continued

You Think You’re Ugly But You’re Not

I moved a year and a half ago and finally got around to unpacking my box of finds. I’ve been trying to add but since I moved I haven’t found much of anything good. I live on a golf course now and I guess doctors and lawyers don’t drop much stuff, although I did find … Continued

Happy Thanksgiving

I found this note on day in my classroom after the kids left. I was initially sad to hear that somebody had a rough morning and then i realized that some of the kids hadn’t been on task the entire time during the period dedicated to silent sustained reading.

Love note

My friend a substitute teacher found this cute note in a 7th grade classroom. He sent it to me as I am married to another Henry!


Donovan must have done something.

Modern Lovers

Found this in a dumpster by my house. I really like Theron’s use of metaphor, and I’m curious as to what he means by “hospital”.