Good Meat

Found on the sidewalk

Flip Master

This photo was found in the kitchen of a community hall where a punk rock show was being held. It depicts a common Calgary tradition: a “stampede breakfast,” where free pancakes and sausage are served. Of note is the fact that the pancake is in mid-flip, and the flipper of the pancake is making direct … Continued

A Pimp Named Coconut Shrimp

I bought the book JUNKY by William S. Burroughs at a garage sale. It was placed in an envelope during a move and I never got to read it. Years later I rediscovered it and decided to finally take a look. As I flipped thru the book, a piece of paper dropped out. It said; … Continued

Thank You Much Style

I found this thank you note in a magazine from an antique store in Volo, Illinois.

Sorry, Mom

This note fell out of a book I bought at a thrift store. I can only imagine the backstory … mom pulls a freshly baked loaf of “omish” bread out of the oven and calls for Andrew to come in and enjoy some. Andrew comes to the table and looks at a loaf that resembles … Continued

A Bowl of Soup

Found on an exposed roll of film inside a Brownie camera at a Goodwill around 1975 or ’76.

Underwear Only

I came across this soggy, trampled note lying on a gravel path on my way home from work. Only the bare necessities for this person!

To Propane

My mother found this at her job years ago at the hospital.