They Tricked Me

I found this note written on Keebler stationary in the case of a Polaroid camera purchased at a flea market… Tampered brake lines, deception, heartbreak.

Shabbat Shalom!

I found this at the Public Library during an all-day study session. This appears to be the beginnings a Bar/Bat Mitzvah speech written by a girl (judging by the stationary and handwriting) from the local Jewish Congregation.

Panhandlers For Truth

I found this sign a block from ‘The Dope House’, our local head shop in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. I’m thinking it wasn’t that effective since the owner decided to discard it.

Parents Are In Town!

I found this outside the Ft. Collins Lincoln Center while visiting my parents for the holidays. It seemed ironically fitting.

You, Yes, You

I found this near the bus stop of an elementary school.

Txtin Her

I found this near a middle school.