Dear Towel Owner

I found this in the bathroom of my dorm, taped on a shelf. After a couple of days, and with no sign of the towel, I decided it was time to take this little treasure for my own.

Before College

This to-do list was found in the parking lot of Coolray Field (Home of the Gwinnett Braves). It appears to be a list of goals some kid wants to accomplish before heading off to college. Some have already been crossed off, including “Box a Kangaroo.” Enjoy!

This Thing

This was found partially crumpled outside a college dorm on the last day of the school year.

Yours Forever

This sweet love note was in a book donate to the library.

Imperfect Enjoyment

All fans of great literature will already know the incredible work of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, but sometimes his work can be so cryptic as to be opaque. Luckily, the previous owner of this used book was kind enough to add her marginalia to increase understanding.