Esau Sold His Birthright

Me and my S.O. had just gotten our marriage certificate and were on our way to lunch when I found this little gem laying on the sidewalk. Maybe it is part of a longer work in progress, a lunatic’s notes for a never-to-be-published book on theology… In any case, I grabbed it and knew where … Continued

Make Your Choices Wisely

I found this in a room at the Marriot hotel. Usually there is a Gideon’s bible in the drawers of most motels and hotel rooms, so I decided to look for it.

A Safe Dwelling Place

I found this on the floor at my work, an ice rink where lots of little kids hang out. This probably fell out of someone’s coat.

Jesus Bucks

I found this note left to me at my work as a hotel housekeeper.

Letter to God

I found this letter inside the book “A Walk Across America,” which was being sold at an estate sale. I bought the book (and kept the letter).

God Is on the Next Page

A hilarious find from a recent trip to Boulder. Found on a “scribble pad” in a church during a music recital. There was nothing on the next page, by the way.


Found crumpled on the floor of the #75 bus.


My friend and I found this behind a hymnal in church one Sunday. I feel bad for the kid; when I was little I didn’t like grown-up church either.

Dear God

Found this on the ground when I was leaving a weekend camp for kids. I thought it was great that this little guy a) thought to pray for his brother, b) that he thought to write it down, and c) monsters are still the scariest thing in his world.. I’m not a hardcore believer of … Continued