Trailer Life

This was one of many photocopied photos I found at a playground; this is my favorite.

Big Plans

I still worry about this poor cat every day. Something tells me this kid has plenty of big plans — this is neither the first nor the last of them.

Via Shoulder

I found this photograph lying in the street in front of my friend’s apartment building. I think it may have fallen out of the window of one of the other apartments. On the back there is a stamp that says “March, 82.”

Missing Kitty

One day I was locking my bike in a back alley off south side of Soho Square and I saw this note in the pavement. I guess it was stuck in a lamppost but fell off. I took from the ground and originally I was thinking to stick it again, but is so funny (think … Continued


I spotted this find more than a year ago on the sidewalk outside my house and it’s been sitting in my living room ever since. The thing that struck me is that this is far from your ordinary missing pet flier. First, there’s no photo…then again, it makes perfect sense, all black cats pretty much … Continued

Ceramic Cat Thief

I found this note attached to a tree while walking my dog. Maggie put some effort into this note, as it was crudely laminated using clear packing tape. Maybe next time, Maggie will think twice about leaving her ceramic cats unattended on a walking trail in the middle of the park!


I found this on a disc of pictures that someone left on my desk. I love the colors and the look on the cat’s face, as if to say “So, what are you going to do about it?” But, I don’t see a fish in the bowl; maybe the picture taker was too late!

Hello Tacos

I found this on top of a trash can at TacoTime.

Puppet Ride

I found this while packing books for a book drive. On the back it says “Matt, B.G. and Puppet, July 1970″ One can only assume that Puppet’s having the time of his life. Poor B.G. though.