Thanks for Sleeping with Me

I buy used books from thrift stores and yard sales, and then sell them on Amazon. I picked up a copy of “Arctic Dreams” by Barry Lopez, and found this inside. It was in an envelope which appeared to be unopened (glued closed).


I found this in a DVD case I bought at a Spec’s one day.

I Love My Mom

This is very cute I found near a kindergarten in my neighborhood.

Bizzie Is Loved

I found this Valentine at work in the copy room.

But If I Were

I found this note and thought it was absolutely hilarious. I thought I’d pass it on to you.

Chihuahua Puppy Card

I laughed at this lying in the middle of the steet because it looked like a real puppy had been flattened “cartoon style.” When I picked it up I saw it was an anniversary card, but I had to read it twice before realizing it was a gay anniversary card.


It just kind of seemed pathetically sad. I wonder if Sara ever told Travis how she felt.

Season’s Greetings

Some friends bought a house here in California last summer. We found this in the garage taped to a toilet seat!– among things left behind by the previous tenants. Enjoy


On the cover of a card I found.

So My Soul is a Mess

I found this at the post office. I was standing in line and it was either forgotten or discarded with a stack of envelopes. I hope Anne appreciates the journal Carolyn apparently gave her, poor Carolyn and her messy soul!