Only The Essentials

I work at a library and found this “grocery” list being used as a bookmark. The list kept going but my scanner will only do 8×11. I’d love to try this diet!

Never Ending Bender

I found this on the street near downtown. I sure hope that the person wrote it got over her bender and started cleaning.

So, Can I Drink It?

I found this on a sidewalk in Silver Lake near the Spaceland rock club. It still maintains the dirty piece of tape that was surely the cause of it being on the ground and not stuck lovingly to someone’s windshield or something.


Somebody at work found this a year or so ago while mowing next to a busy highway in town. It has been propped up on a shelf since then, and every time I see it, I get the giggles. I think this is my favorite photo of all time!! She looks like she’s having a … Continued


I loaned a book to my sister. When she returned it this rum stained paper was inside.

Public Transit Blues

I found this while walking my little dog. Some pretty good writing by an anonymous diamond in the rough. When in doubt, bark.

What If

Found this in the parking lot of the Double Tree Hotel. I live there as a student.

A Short List

This is the most depressing shopping list I’ve ever seen. I found it outside in the Fred Meyer parking lot. I hope he’s okay.

Detroit Couple

Found in an abandoned/burned out apartment building, circa 1982 (now demolished).