Army Dudes

Found on a sidewalk several years ago; no idea who they are, but the Mussolini poster in the background is a nice touch!

Forget the Army

I just found this in a forgotten packing box in my own garage, and have no idea how it got there.

Death Be Not Proud

Found the details of a funeral on this USO paper after a parade.

G.I. Just Kidding

I found this as I was cleaning out a house after an estate sale. I’ve seen a couple of cool things at these but this is my favorite so far. On the back of the photo it reads “That’s the way the Krauts surrendered to us, as demonstrated by ‘Yank’ Dennison and ‘Kraut’ Thrueatt, Penn.& … Continued

Pedophiles and Military Recruiters

My friend lent me a series of books, 30 Days of Night, and I found this note card in the third one. The weird thing is, it’s not my friends handwriting, nor is it the handwriting of my boyfriend who borrowed the books before me. Finally, I found another piece of paper in the book, … Continued

Son Adrift

Found this in an old copy of Herman Hesse’s Steppenwolf, bought from the Brooklyn College Library booksale room.

The Freshest Breath

Found this in the Pentagon, where I work. Looks like someone sent a care package to an airman who clearly deployed with his sense of humor.

The Liberty Belles

I found this at the US Navy Base. This certainly should not have been in the trash.