School Is Worse Than I Thought

I found this while cleaning out some old folders in an art storage area at the end of the school year at the school where I work.

Bra Request

This was found in our library book drop bin.

There’s a Lot of Gray Areas

Found this while cleaning out a respond-to-the-art journal in the Denver Art Museum. At first it made my blood run cold, but on reflection I suppose I can empathize with that buzz of heightened self-awareness that follows an experience that just might change everything (but before it actually has).

I’m Really Emotional

I teach at the high school and found this on one of the desks after class. I am happy to not know which of my students left this for me to find.


I found a little notebook, and it had a few interesting things in it. The author was probably in the theater, or involved in drama. The style of the whole notebook is a frenzied sort of stream-of-consciousness writing that probably only makes full sense to the author.

Love Nightmare

I went walking in the downtown area and found this on a bench. Apparently, they wanted to get something out. Artistically.

I Was Not Cool

I can’t imagine what this was from: a handwriting class? A homework assignment? Part of a therapy program?

Sacred Jeff-Time

I found this letter in a notebook. The notebook was left in my music theory classroom. The notebook has all sorts of writings, in-class activities, and a whole entry on the color yellow. I enjoyed finding this treasure.

Thoughts Control

We have a small office which is our boss’s office/relief desk/break area where we can use the computer on our breaks. I went to write myself a note on the post-it pad when I saw these 3 notes, shown in order. I recognize most everyone’s handwriting and I don’t have a clue who this belongs … Continued