The Mob

I tend a Little Free Library. We get a few things donated that are not books… Comics, CDs, VHS, Beanie Babies and this…I found a photo album that was empty except for way in the back was this picture. I hope most of them made it home… on the back it says the mob. Most … Continued


I work as a maintenance worker for the second largest housing development in the area…with over 4,000 homes and counting. Every single day I find all sorts of interesting stuff…from clothing, to opened mail, to drug paraphernalia, to dead animals, to found notes such as the ones that I am submitting today. I started collecting … Continued

Ghost Cat

I found in a foreclosed home. There was a envelope that had several double exposures in it. I love how it looks like the cat is watching him bowl

What It’s Like to Like Baseball

I bought a used composition book because it already had quite a bit of writing in it. Graham’s writing improves as he gets older.


Found this in my high school Bio class. I don’t even know what to say.

If Your Beliefs

Another from the university recycling bins during move-out week. Sounds like an interesting poem.

Hi Fidelity Psychology

I found a few slides that appear to be from some sort of psychological test/experiment done in the 1970s. It involves a lot of machinery hooked up to the test subjects(?) and a lot of guys in thick glasses taking notes and talking with them. A lot of the people look distraught but not this … Continued