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A Sure Thing

Found by Miranda Metcalf in Fremont District, Seattle, Washington

Many years ago I came across this note lying on the sidewalk near my house. I’ve carried it with me for years, I’m not exactly why. Inspiration? Cautionary tale? Who knows, but it was only matter of time before the note made it to your site.


  1. Librarian in the woodwork says:

    When did they start letting Dad use a pen there in prison ?

    on July 12, 2012 at 9:09 am
    His plan, however, is faultless: 10 chances at ‘Hit Five’ must be, what, 2-to-1 in our favor? And we can always play it again later! We’re sure to win. When I’m released on parole, I’ll come to Seattle and we can kick back and take it easy.

    You bet’cha!

  2. Tundra Woman says:

    on July 13, 2012 at 5:29 pm
    Now there’s a truly informed “investment strategy!” Dad’s been laid off from Morgan Stanley/Bear Sterns/fill-in-the-blank and is already channeling his (Wall) Street “smarts” into a different type of “derivative.”