Fly Fisherman

I found this in a fly fishing coffee table book purchased at the Cox Creative Center (which happens to be the last remaining used-book store in my hometown). There was also a letter, dated 1/28/90, sent along w/ this picture of the “master angler” attached.

Beautiful Day for Fish

He looks very content with where he is in life right now; it’s wonderful to see that. I also love that every thing seems to be one shade of blue or another… his shirt, pants, the water, his hat, the sky.

Surfin’ Goat

Found taped to a door in my apartment complex.


Found this in a storage shed that I bought at auction. The back just says FLOOD, which is pretty obvious.

Patriotic Waterskiing

Wow. A three-tier waterskiing formation complete with American flags! Pretty amazing.

Oh, It’s a Human!

Found this waiting in line at a drugstore. The fisherman looks very devious. It scares me that the fish can still think after it’s dead.

Matthew in Venice

I was looking through some modern art books, and this picture fell out of one of them. On the back it says “Matthew 05-06″

Move Closer

I found this when I went out to eat somewhere in town. It was lying on the floor next to the table.


I found this picture outside of a CVS. It looked a little beaten up, so I figured I would send it in rather than letting it get destroyed.


Found this in a public parking lot. Written on the back: “In the enlargement it shows a sailboat on the horizon. ’58″