Car Alarm

I found this on the ground in the parking lot of my apartments … the ending remarks are sweet.

I’m The Boss Bitch

This was slipped under our door on the last day of finals at Heidelberg College. We have no idea who it is from, who wrote the reply, or why it was given to us. I especially like how they wish the “loud music playing man” a great summer.

Rabbits Wood

Found on the sidewalk near a busy intersection. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen rabbits there or wood for that matter…

Get Up, Give Praise

I found this against the curb in front of my neighbor’s house. We hope it wasn’t written to him…

No Nuthin

I found this sticking to a traffic cone inside the University of Alaska Anchorage Campus Center. I’m assuming it’s a wet paint sign, but there was nothing being painted that I saw.    


Donovan must have done something.


This creepy note was by my door a few days after I moved into a new apartment.

Do Not Use Dryer #26

This warning was posted on the bulletin board in my laundry room. Man, those are some jacked-up panties!