The Dotes Are the Ships

These were plastered all over the streetlights in my neighborhood. They have been up for weeks, not sure what date I was supposed to be looking up. And where do you even find foolscap anymore?

I Regret

I found this on the way to the Granville Island Market. I wonder if she gave the note to her friend, or lost it before she had the chance. Either way, hopefully the secret is safe.

My Birthday Gift

Somehow threatening letters with bad spelling are always the work of a true psycho.


I found this card on the sidewalk outside my place. I can’t tell if it’s an actual hard luck story or just lines they were giving the poor guy who was trying to tell them something. I know I’ve spun a few of those in my day.

A Gift For You

Found at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts inside a book left behind at the coffee station. The book fell open to an underlined paragraph about loneliness, which I thought was significant as I have just been turfed from a six-year relationship. I will read the book and pass it on in the same manner I found it.

Bud Clothes

I saw this bit of paper lying over the drain by the curb, and hoorah! Not even a boring receipt!

The Closer I Get to You

I just found this note on the street last night. Everyone that I was standing with fell silent when I read it, and there was a quiet until someone said, “Yep, that’s pretty much it… isn’t it.” Enjoy.

Introspective Angst

Found on the road under our mailbox next to the Pearson Air Museum. It’s part of a note book. Many of the pages are dated. All are from 1990. I wonder where has this been for the last few decades? It was kept a long time, it must have meant something to someone.

Let’s Make Meatballs

Found in the bottom of a grocery cart in a Save-on-Food. Such a tantalizingly intimate (yet completely mysterious) glimpse into a relationship. The most crucial of all: why do they seem to have so much trouble finishing a gallon of milk?