Thrift Store Camera

I found a disposable camera at the Salvation Army and got the thing developed! I think the one of the couple is cute. I imagine they picked up the camera and took a selfie! There is a weird one that looks like a finger or.. something else…

Japanese Import Kiss

I found this in the boot of my car after I bought it. It is a Japanese car not sold in many places outside of Japan that was privately imported to Australia around 8-10 years ago. When I cleaned out all the carpet inside the boot I found a squished packet of photos that I … Continued

Treasured Moment

A beautiful moment where a proud papa looks down adoringly on his newborn daughter (I’m assuming this is the relationship). She almost fits entirely into his two hands! On the back a child, presumably an older version of the babe in the photo, has written: This I will definitely keep. Very sad to think that … Continued

Thumbs Up

This was found in September of 2001 on Richmond Street near the University of Western Ontario.