My Best Friend is NOT Mommy

I found this on the lawn of a house on my walk to work. Best I can tell, it was written on the back of one of those lids that protects a store-bought lasagna. (The other side is metallic.)

A Good Heart

While on a walk I noticed a small folded piece of paper sticking up from the grass with “READ” printed on it in a demanding fashion.

“By Laws”

Found this laminated note on the street outside my apartment…

Ex Oh Ex Oh

I was taking a break from my run this morning at a shady picnic table in the park. As I leaned over to catch my breathe, I noticed a torn photograph scattered in the grass. I put the pieces together and discovered that someone probably had their heart broken recently.

Fancy Casket

I was going through a bunch of old books, one of my favorite hobbies. This picture was tucked inside a Bible totally written in Latin. The first pages were missing so not sure how old; but, look at the detail in dressing up this casket.

Not Enough

I found this note in a little wooden box I bought at a flea market. It broke my heart because it looks like Katherine was crying while she wrote this– there are little tear stains on the paper. It also looks like this letter was read many, many times. The paper is torn like a … Continued

The Weight of Weight

I tore these pages out of a weight loss book that I found at Goodwill one day.

Pick on Someone Your Own Size

We found this inside an old copy of The Martian Chronicles that we were given in Sci-Fi class. The last time the books were checked out was 1979 according to the inside flap. I hope Greg and Heather worked things out.