
I came out of Office Depot one night recently to find this under my wiper blade. The weird part was that my car was the only one close to the store in the Office Depot parking lot at that hour. I guess I looked singularly clueless to someone who had been there and left. I … Continued

In This Land of Sun and Fun

This item was stuck inside a children’s book which was mixed in with other books donated to us at the Prison Book Project (a non-profit cooperative that mails donated books to inmates in the US). I presumed it was something brought home from summer camp & was made useful as a bookmark.

I Just Wanna Make Out

I found this napkin on the sidewalk in southeast Portland. I’ve never heard of the Break Time Sports Grill & Pub, and was pretty sure it wasn’t in my neighborhood. When I Googled it, this bar is in Salisbury, Maryland! This napkin traveled all the way across the United States only to be dropped on … Continued

You Sexy Thing

Gotta love a love note written in crayon!

You Bring the Paper Bag

This was stuck to the wall above one of the washing machines in the basement of a residence hall on campus.

Live Every Day

I found this stuck up on the wall of a gorgeous, old, eccentric woman’s apartment. As caretakers of the property in which she lived, my husband and I went in to clean up her apartment after she had died when we found this wonderful note.

A Safe Dwelling Place

I found this on the floor at my work, an ice rink where lots of little kids hang out. This probably fell out of someone’s coat.

Adil’s Idea of Storytelling

I used this quote in an ESL presentation about children’s writing. I’ve saved it since 1996.

Personal Legend

I found this post-it note a few months ago and I have been carrying it around in my bag ever since. Every once in a while I re-find it and I am so excited for the encouraging message!