Romantic Evening, Indeed

I found this while working at an upscale hotel. Housekeeping had recovered it from a room and left it in the back office. More than halfway through an otherwise empty composition notebook awaited this gem. Our Casanova’s intentions are well-meaning, but really man, you’re going to spend more on your bathrobe than on the lucky … Continued

Mae Mae

Get Mae Mae cute outfit also 🙂


I found this on the back of a flyer we have at our bookstore that explained our renovations. Apparently the person did not plan ahead for any empty boxes.

Re-Entry Plan

Walking home from the park we stumbled upon a manila envelope, with two sheets of paper inside. The fact that the first sheet was unsigned by Tinley and that fact the envelope looked as if it had gotten wet (and subsequently dried) made Tinley’s feelings about the contract rather clear.