If, Then

I think everyone feels this way at least once in their life.

She is Never Happy

I found this in a Wal-mart parking lot sometime in late 2006.

Five Slayer T-Shirts

I stopped into a Fort Bragg laundromat on my way down the Pacific coast from Seattle and found this sheet laying inside. Apparently this guy lost some pretty important clothes.

A Thoughtful Farewell

I found this on the street on my way to pick up my daughter from school. There are a couple of pre-teen girls in my neighborhood and I guess one of them wrote this. I had no idea there was such drama going on– fights, cake fights, hatred of Bri, and poor grandma.


This was found in a grocery store parking lot on a particularly gusty afternoon.

Brownie Points 4 U

I work for my university to check-in and check-out camps from a dorm during the summer. We have to go through each room of the building to find lost items. We had just checked-out a christian camp and our building had all girls– no boys allowed. I found this note stuffed and folded in the … Continued

Here in the Manor

Found a bunch of half-empty spice jars and a pair of work boots sitting on top of a garbage can outside of a mall. Underneath the spices was this note.

Modern Lovers

Found this in a dumpster by my house. I really like Theron’s use of metaphor, and I’m curious as to what he means by “hospital”.

Dear Tooth Farey

I found this while going through old papers.

Playing Dress-up

I found this on a bulletin board at the college I go to.