Dear Tooth Farey

I found this while going through old papers.

Playing Dress-up

I found this on a bulletin board at the college I go to.

No More Visits

This strange ‘lost’ poster is on all the telegraph poles up our street at the moment.

Attack at Random

These were posted all over my neighborhood in the North Loop area in 2006. I never saw the badger.

Lost Cat

I saw about 5 or 6 of these posted near the corner of Broome St. and Broadway. Oddly none had any contact information included. It turns out that this was written on the back side of a flier for a Psychic Shop. So, will the psychic know the number of the person who finds the … Continued

Lost Semi-Telepathic Cat

This poster appeared on a pole outside my house one night. There were no others like it in the neighborhood, or posted at any stores nearby. I can’t imagine how someone lost a cat pulling a wagon with balloons.


Saw this on a lamp-post whilst walking home.

Lost Skunk

My husband found this laminated flier hanging up on the campus of Ball State University. This same picture with more details was posted in the classifieds section of the Muncie Star Press under Lost & Found. The owners must have really cared for their pet skunk as they apparently had its picture taken professionally. I … Continued


I found this on my windshield this morning.

White Lightning

As a North Carolina native and having spent my whole life there, I had liked to think that I knew everything about it; but, sometimes you can get deep into the countryside and find things so authentic and so foreign that you feel like you are in a completely different country. This was found at … Continued