Samiches and Beer

Found this tucked inside a row of Hot Wing sauce at our local Ralph’s market. Is this a lover’s quarrel “makeup” meal? How big of a jerky was he? Awh, but she still loves him. She’ll even buy him beer. WIC gets to pay for the bread for the “samiches.”

Weekend Plans

Ten years ago I was teaching high school. On a Friday just after school had let out I found this piece of paper in my classroom, and realized that it could well ruin one student’s carefully mapped out plans for the weekend. I ran after him, but he was gone – and I mean gone. … Continued

Peacemaker and Masturbation

I was walking in West Philadelphia when I found a bunch of books on the street to be disposed of. They were old, mostly from the 70′s, so I was intrigued. I picked up two and when I got home to look at them this fell out. The name of the book it fell out … Continued

Shoot Bibi Gun

I found this inside a children’s book at Goodwill. I thought he might have included a footnote for a minute there but when I unfolded the paper, sadly there was not one. I feel sorry for his sisters.


Someone has some decisions to make.

It’s What’s for Dinner

I was checking out pockets of the luggage I’d bought from the Salvation Army, and inside were three pieces of memo paper with a list of supplements to be taken with “Lunch,” and “Dinner.” Found inside of a plastic baggy. The suitcase had a greyhound ID badge with the man’s name, address, and phone number. … Continued

Church Party List

I work in a church office. We have a small staff. There is a good flow of people through here during the day, but I know everyone who comes by. I found this list on the back stairway down to the basement and the usual suspects who might have created this list deny it is … Continued

I Am Not an Assassin

I saw the woman who put it there as I was approaching the house. I thought she was a salesperson, so I asked what she wanted. She said only “I just want to give you this flyer.” Then she rushed pass me and down the block. I assume she was going door to door with … Continued

Shopping List, or Medication

I found this balled up on the path at the local nature reserve. I would have just walked on and ignored it if I hadn’t seen the words ‘Ear Wax’ poking out.