Honest Coffee Drinkers

My friends passed this on to me after finding it on the floor in their business’ cafeteria.

Birthday Greetings

I found this among our twin sons’ 10th birthday detritus. Okay, so Conor’s not perfect, but does Ramon have to be so honest about it?

Let Me Tell You

During a volunteer cleanup of Los Feliz, not too far from Skylight Books, I came across this note near the track of the local high school. While I greatly enjoy his playah-pleas that he’s just an “innocent little boi,” who’s “not even asking for a mack,” what capped it for me was when I unfolded … Continued

Message in a Mexican Coke Bottle

This message was in a bottle that was bobbing in the waves. I like the comment “my dad is 7ft, my mom is anle”. The explanation about spelling problems made me realize that the mom is probably “anal”. I felt like maybe this young girl had tossed the bottle only to have me find it … Continued

Went to Cabin

We were camping and, after going on an afternoon hike, we came back to our car to find this note under the windshield wiper. My wife really hates it when I announce that I am going to do that. Gross, but informative.

Bad Daddy

I have a huge collection of children’s books. I’m always on the hunt! I found this one at a Value World. It is the saddest book inscription I have ever seen.

Breaking Up Isn’t Easy

I found this on the ground at a shopping mall. I passed it once and didn’t pick it up, but told myself if I went back it was mine. Could have been a grocery list or something else mundane. But it turned out to be notes someone made related to a break up! Delicious. Maybe … Continued