Fall in Indiana

I found a strip of photo film negatives several months back and had been carrying them around in my purse until today, when I decided to scan them and see what they were. Anything to avoid work. It was four pictures taken on Halloween (my guess).

Hang Out with Just You

I was walking down the street on the clusterfuck of a day that is moving day, September 1st, in Boston. This girl needed me to watch her stuff in the driveway of her apartment building while she went to work, but also invited us in to ransack anything left by her roommates. Among the loot … Continued

Gone Muskie Fishing

Back in the early 90s I worked for the Stevens Point Parks Department, keeping downtown Main Street and the Square clean. I found a lot of weird stuff working there (you wouldn’t believe how many bullets I found), but photos are always something I feel the need to hold on to. I found this picture … Continued

Fashion Adventure

The bag. The sunglasses. The bandanna. The Man.

Welcome to Casa Loma

I found a print out of this picture in Downtown Toronto and immediately recognized it as the inside of Casa Loma, a huge castle in Uptown Toronto.

With A Little Help From My Friends

I found this photo tucked away in an old paperback copy of Dune at the Value Village thrift store. I’m almost positive it was placed at a random page as opposed to being used as a bookmark. The book cost .69¢ but the photo is priceless. There are three names with tally marks underneath them … Continued

Baby Between Sheds

My friend Amy found an old photo album and she gave it to me after I showed her Found Magazine #1. This little girl’s name is Jacqueline and the album follows her through the 3rd grade. In this photo she is 6 months old.

G.I. Just Kidding

I found this as I was cleaning out a house after an estate sale. I’ve seen a couple of cool things at these but this is my favorite so far. On the back of the photo it reads “That’s the way the Krauts surrendered to us, as demonstrated by ‘Yank’ Dennison and ‘Kraut’ Thrueatt, Penn.& … Continued

Beautiful Day for Fish

He looks very content with where he is in life right now; it’s wonderful to see that. I also love that every thing seems to be one shade of blue or another… his shirt, pants, the water, his hat, the sky.


Whoever wrote this was pissed off. Funny part is how small the piece of paper is. It must’ve have been really late and this is all he could find to write on.