Shy Guy’s Breathing

I found this on a college classroom floor. I think it is the creative contraction of “kind of” that amuses me the most.

Like, Squared

Found soaked in the runoff of a snowbank in my doctor’s office parking lot early one morning — this sticky-noted assertion pasted to a piece of blue lined paper. (Blue, it’s useful to note, is the color of like like. And anyone with experience will tell you that like like = love.)

Kamikaze Waterslide

I was looking through the children’s book section of a thrift store and this fell out of a Funk and Wagnall’s children’s encyclopedia. I have no idea which waterslide it could have been taken at– there are palm trees in the background so I don’t think it’s the one around here.


I found this note on a table at the campus bar at McMaster University. Look at the hangman, no wrong letters! These people are good.