This Morning, I’ve Changed

I found this letter/poem rolled up like a cigarette wedged between two cobblestones in downtown Gainesville. I suspect (and hope) this letter was never delivered, that it’s desperate author nervously rolled it up and discarded it.

Drives Like Maniac

I found this note balled up in a neighbor’s front yard while jogging. It was written on the back of stationery from a local landlord’s office.


I found this outside a 4th grade classroom. I dig the front and end exclamation points.

Bank Deposit

Found early one morning on the roadside.

Smoking Hot!

I don’t think I was supposed to come across this, but i found it and it made my day.

Painting of George

Found in the back of an old night stand I picked up at a thrift store. The back of the photo simply reads “George.”