
Found on the #77 eastbound Belmont bus on a Wednesday evening.

An Angle Like You

Found this lying on a #2 Bus seat on my way home from work. Didn’t see who dropped it.

Brattiness Is Next to Godliness

Found this on my trip from Cali to Missouri on a Greyhound bus. There were two of them– someone noticed them on the floor and I picked them up, read them, and decided to keep it.

Math Problem

My son found this on the school bus and brought it home. I hope this was not a homework assignment. Please submit your answers!!

John Laws

I found this on the 311 bus to Newcastle. Seems the author has even trimmed the bus pass’ size. I agree with it though- I hate that old talkback bigot.


I found this love letter/threat on a vacant seat on the #76 east-bound bus, on the way to DJ at Delilah’s one unseasonably warm evening.

Poor Cat

My little sister found this on the city bus. My question: why did this person need a reminder for one thing, and why HARD cat food? It just sounds cruel!

How Come?

This post-it note was found on the back of a seat on a bus in Bath (that’d be Bath, England). I love the juxtaposition between the bullshit “Life’s a Doodle” and the real message.

Hey Mama

I’m a Greyhound bus driver in British Columbia. We often find things left behind by passengers, most of it quite literally trash. Sometimes we find notebooks or sketch pads, and I usually try to find the owner; but, other times, there’s really nothing that can be done beyond tossing the item into the Lost and … Continued